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  • 1 h
  • 199.99 British pounds
  • Online via Zoom App

Service Description

What is Soul Realignment? Have you ever felt that something was blocking you in life, that your goals are always out of reach, or that you always end up in the same negative situation? This is where soul realignment can help you remove the blocks from your past lives hindering you in this one. Soul Realignment is an intuitive healing modality utilising the Akashic Records to unlock our Soul-level potential and clear negative karmic patterns held at Soul-level. What does Soul Realignment do for me? A Soul Realignment service is exceptionally insightful and can be truly transformational for your life and the people within it. Soul realignment uncovers the different layers of your soul, peeling your soul back to its core and your rooted blocks, unveiling your soul’s potential, wisdom and purpose. This process also clears negative karmic imprints held at soul level. Soul Realignment is not just about gathering spiritual information, knowledge or understanding. Soul Realignment is about embracing your true authentic soul identity and living your truest soul led life in very real and practical ways, so that we may fulfil our soul purpose on this earth as Divine Beings of light. When you have cleared your blocks and connected to your soul, your life becomes more about experiencing yourself, at the highest and authentic level of your every day life, as the truly beautiful and magical spiritual Being that you are, and harnessing the power from within, that of your intuitive and manifesting abilities. For only you have the power to create the life, relationships and joy you want, this all starts at soul level. Why will this benefit me? When you are in alignment and expressing who you are at Soul level through your everyday choices in life, you are more able to step into your innate power to create the reality you want and listen to your soul calling. A Soul Realignment Reading opens doors of new energy and opportunity, removes doubting belief codes and systems built through trauma and removes beads of negative energy from transcending through each life into this one. This process enables you to step through and take new action to create what you do want in your life. What are the benefits of Soul Realignment? You will understand yourself on a higher level, and on a deeper level. Due to the clearing of blockages, your energy increases, and your access to your intuition increases as well. You will become more conscious regarding the choices you make.

Contact Details

York, UK

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